Contributing to RESTEasyCLI

This is a new born project and has lots of scope for improvements.

If you feel that you can help with any of above TODO list or if you have a totally unique idea, feel free to jump right in.

Some tips

Here are some tips to start contributing to this project right away.

  • Instead of directly creating pull requests, create a issue first to check it's relevence and save efforts. However,
  • If you find a bug, feel free to directly create pull requests by forking master branch
  • Awesome if commit messages and pull request description are clear and concise
  • One of it's depedency RESTEasy has a gitter channel for any doubt or discussion related to this project or RESTEasy
  • Do not modify README.rst file. It's auto generated using m2r (Installed as a dev dependency). While updating file.
  • Create separate branches for separate issues or concerns.
  • Keep updating your progress on the issue to let everyone know what you are working on.

Setting up development environment

Before starting with any of the following steps make sure you have Python 3 installed


  • Fork this project in your personal acount

  • Clone the project locally

git clone{your_username}/RESTEasyCLI
  • Create and activate virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
  • Install recli along with development requirements keeping source files editable
pip install -e '.[develop]'
  • Install pre-commit hooks
pre-commit install

After setting up

  • Do your stuff. Debug commands using --debug and --verbose options.

  • Test your stuff (if applicable)

pytest --pdb --cov=resteasycli

### Use tox if you want to test on all python platforms (see tox docs).
# tox
  • If required, run ./dev/bin/ to take care of house keeping stuffs and perform basic checks.

  • Commit and push the code and raise pull request